ترمینال مبدل RS232 به DB9 نری
از RS485 در کاربردهایی که نیاز به انتقال دیتا به فواصل دور و با سرعت بیشتر و با قابلیت شبکه شدن تجهیزات به صورت دو طرفه است استفاده می شود. برای این استاندارد هم قطعات مورد نیاز در دسترس هستند. در این استاندارد فرستنده و گیرنده ها را می توانند در یک شبکه تا 32 دستگاه افزایش داد و سرعت انتقال دیتا بین این دستگاهها می تواند تا 40 Mbits/s افزایش یابد.
Bidirectional converter RS232/RS485 interface converter between applied between the host computer , point to point between the host computer and the microcontroller constitute or peripherals , multipoint remote multi-machine communication network , multi- machine acknowledge communications Communications , widely used in industrial automation and control systems, card access control systems , parking systems, self-service banking system , bus charging system , canteen canteen system , employees attendance management system , highway toll station systems.
RS232/RS485 turn , able to convert the RS-232 serial port TXD and RXD signals into two balanced half-duplex RS-485 signals. No external power supply directly from the 3 -pin RS-232 port of stealing , while the 7 -pin request to send (RTS), 4 -pin Data Terminal Ready (DTR) to RS232/RS485 auxiliary power supply , automatic flow control so you do not Reset , hardware and software installation is very simple.
1, the serial features: interface compatible with EIA / TIA RS-232C, RS-485 standard .
2, the electrical interfaces : RS-232 DB9 hole end side interfaces , RS-485 DB9 male connector ends with terminals.
3 , work: asynchronous half-duplex.
4 , the transmission medium : ordinary cable, twisted pair or shielded cable.
5 , the transmission rate : 300 ~ 115-21BDS.
6 , the transmission distance : 5 meters (RS-232 terminal ) 1.200 m (RS-485 terminal ) .
7 , the communication protocol : Clear.
8 , the working environment : -10 ℃ to 85 ℃ Relative Humidity 5% to 95%.
9, the signal : RS-232: TXD, RXD, RTS, CTS, DTR, DSR, DCD, CND; RS-485: Date +, Date-, GND.