فلایت کنترل MWC 2.6 ساخت شرکت MultiWii
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فلایت کنترل MWC 2.6 ساخت شرکت MultiWii


فلایت کنترل یا سیستم کنترل پرواز، در واقع قلب اصلی و هسته مرکزی یک دستگاه مولتی روتور است.

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اتمام موجودی
موجود شد به من خبر بده
با استفاده از میکرو کنترلر 328p atmega یک برد ارزان با قابلیت فراوان تولید شده. قابلیتی که بیشتر جلب توجه می کند، امکان افزودن مکان یابی با جی پی اس با انواع کاربردهایی است که در محیط نرم افزاری برای این برد میتوان تعریف نمود.از آن جمله حفظ ارتفاع در یک نقطه مختصاتی و همینطور بازگشت به خانه از جذابیتهای این افزونه میباشد. همچنین میتوان از افزونه بلوتوث هم برای ارتباط بین پرنده و رایانه و حتی گوشیهای هوشمند اندرویدی استفاده نمود.هرچند برد بلوتوث محدود است ولی برای تنظیمات و ستاپ پرنده خیلی مفید و کارآمد است.قابلیت تلمتری یکی از محاسن هر مولتی رتور است که کاربر در مواجه با پرنده و دسترسی به اطلاعات پرنده به آسایش و اطمینان بیشتر دست میابد. جالبتر اینکه علاوه بر ماژول ارتباطی و مکان یابی قابلیت افزودن oled برای نمایش پارامترهای مهم برد نیز وجود دارد.یک صفحه نمایش بسیار کوچک این کارایی را در اختیار می گذارد.


 Flight mode
  One of the following basic mode
  - Acro
  - Level
  - Alt Hold
  - Head Lock
  - Optional mode
  - HeadFree (CareFree)
  - GPS Hold (Need GPS receiver or Extend Board)
  - GPS Back to home position (Need GPS receiver or Extend Board)
Flight mode for MegaPirate
 - Acro
 - Alt Hold
 - Simple
 - Loiter (uses GPS)
 - Guided (uses GPS)
 - Position (uses GPS)
 - Circle (uses GPS)
 - RTL (uses GPS)
 - Auto(uses GPS)
 - Follow Me(uses GPS)
Input power selection
- One of the following way
  - Connect 5V power cable from ESC or UBEC to the ESC/Servo port, the J1 jumper must be closed.
  - Connect 5V~12V power cable to the extend power port, the J1 jumper must be removed.
   When using Extend Board, AIO PRO must be powered from the extend power port.
Dimension: 50mm *  50mm
Height: 11.6mm
Weight: 14.2g
Fixing hole spacing: 45mm
Hole diameter: 3.1mm

 Multiwii SE v2.6 hardware features

1 optimize layout, signal input/output interface position more reasonable;
2 replace the better gyro/integration of six axis acceleration sensor;
2 use a dedicated I2C level conversion IC;
2 have FTDI protection design, prevent the external power conflict with USB power supply;
3 with the I2C interface (5 v level), can connect the I2C - GPS navigation board/OLED display screen and other peripheral equipment;
4 compact size, can be mounted on a mini rack, also can be converted into a "standard" through panels CRIUS 45 mm hole is apart from the installation.

MWC firmware profile
MWC is MultiWii Copter abbreviation, it does not mean that hardware products, but open source firmware.The authorship of this firmware is from France, Alex, he in order to build its own Y3 aircraft and developed initially MWC firmware (original exchange post with links at the bottom of the club's official website).For several years after many master's participation and joint efforts, the development progress faster and faster.Now MWC has been basically mature, can support a wider range of hardware, peripherals and more flight mode, make run MWC flight control hardware abroad flight control is one of the highest market share of products.

The hardware platform of MWC firmware support
MWC firmware is to use the Arduino IDE to write, to support the Arduino released several main AVR development board Pro Micro/Mini/Pro Mega, etc., can also support the use of the STM32 Arduino compatible platform, but the STM32 is currently not reflect any performance and the advantage of the port, so still with AVR for the mainstream, mature, adequate and stable.This product CRIUS MultiWii Standard Edition v2.0 (SE) is based on the Arduino Pro Mini to design, use ATmega328P microcontroller.

The periphery of the MWC firmware support equipment
1 bluetooth adjustable parameter module - use the android mobile phone/tablet to debug parameter (recommended)
2 - OLED display module can be used as a state of airborne/parameter display, also can match the remote control for tuning parameters (not recommended)
3 I2C - GPS navigation board - 328 p, it connects the GPS flight control can be used for designated/automatic return and waypoint flight function
4 GPS - for fixed-point/return automatically
5 OSD - necessary FPV, flight control can be shown with the GPS data
6 - APC2XX/Xbee / 3 Dr Radio digital module, etc., used in remote sensing function
7 light flow module - used to flying by
Module 8 sonar - used in low altitude and high precision set it higher

CRIUS, paragraph 2 of the flight control system run MWC of the equipment support by contrast
AIOP: 1/2/4/5/6/7/8
SE: 1/2/3/4/5/6/8

MWC firmware support aircraft model
Download the latest firmware can support the following aircraft model, are free to select the desired mode in the source and uploaded to the flight control.
Mixer GIMBAL - independent yuntai stabilizer (flight control purposes)
Mixer SINGLECOPTER - VTOL single shaft
Mixer BICOPTER - 2 shaft avatar aircraft
Mixer Tricopter - Y type 3 axis
Mixer QUADP - classic 4 axis + model
Shaft mixer QUADX - 4 x model
Mixer Y4 - Y type 4 axis
Mixer type Y6 - Y 6 axis
Mixer HEX6-6 axis + model
Mixer HEX6X - 6 axis x model
Mixer OCTOX8-8 axis x 4 patterns
Mixer OCTOFLATP - 8 shaft level + model
Mixer OCTOFLATX - 8 shaft level x model
Four shaft mixer VTAIL4 - V tail (flying style with x mode, turned to more flexible, mainly as a fixed wing to fly)
Mixer AIRPLANE - fixed wing
HELI_120_CCPM helicopter / 120 ° inclined plate, development, is not recommended
HELI_90_DEG helicopter / 90 ° inclined plate, development, is not recommended

MWC firmware to the specifications of the remote control
Pieces of MWC need at least 4 channel, but 4 channel remote control can't switch flight mode, strongly recommend 6 channel above with at least two of the switch
Pieces must have child fine-tuning (Sub Trim) and channel (ATV) adjustment function
In pieces to support fixed wing model (no mixed control mode)

CRIUS SE standard flight control for multi-axis vehicle can achieve the following basic functions
Mixer ACRO (not the stability, similar to KK)
Pieces from the steady
Mixer fixed high
In pieces locking course
Mixer HeadFree (called "CareFree" headless mode, MK, ACM called "Simple")
Through the remote control switch channels designated as the combination of several basic functions, such as:
High + + since stability locking course, can be a short period of time to take off the control;
+ the stability high + locking course + fixed-point hover *, can be completely out of control
+ the stability high + locking course + automatically return *
Marked with * said needs to connect the I2C - GPS navigation and GPS receiver, can the other consulting

CRIUS SE the size of the standard version of the flight control parameters
Mixer width (mm) : 40 x 40
Height (mm) : 11.6
Weight (g) : 9.3
Fixed distributed distance (mm) : 35 mm
Fixed orifice diameter (mm) : Φ 3.1

Flight control size chart:


Flight control and CRIUS wiring board together, can be converted to most racks available 45 mm pitch.Please note that this price does not include wiring board, nylon isolation column/screws and other accessories.
CRIUS MultiWii SE v2.5 hardware features
Mixer ATMega328P microcontroller
Mixer MPU6050 digital triaxial gyro and three-axis accelerometer (since the stability with)
The mixer BMP085 digital pressure sensor (lock height with)
Mixer HMC5883L three-axis digital magnetic resistance sensor (electronic compass, locking heading)
In pieces 3.3 V low noise power supply voltage regulator
Mixer high brightness status indicator LED
Special mixer PCA9306DP1 I2C level conversion IC
Mixer FTDI interface with protection with diode and 500 ma self recovery fuse
Debug MWC SE flight control tools and methods
1 connection FTDI, using USB cable to connect computers, running a GUI software debugging tools, this is the original flight control (or upload the firmware) will use method;
2 connect bluetooth passthrough module, use the android mobile phone/tablet PC notebook debugging, the corresponding software tools are MultiWiiConfigurator;
3 using airborne OLED display, can display flight control state, or to enter programming mode debugging parameters;
4 connect other data transmission module, such as common APC2XX / 3 Dr/Xbee digital, can connect with computer, with GUI testing, this is the only way to long-distance flight debugging.
It is recommended to use method 1/2/3

MWC compared with other open source solution, has the debugging method is intuitive, flying good stability, low failure rate, the advantages of too much but we do not recommend never contact shaft mold friends directly select the flight control of aircraft.For non PID parameters not easy set to a perfect state, and affected by external factors more detail parameters, and increased the debugging on the trouble.MWC flight control is suitable for the friends like high cost performance, with spirit, need to have a heart ready to before buying, it is best to have some experience or knowledge of multi-axle vehicle accumulation.We will purchase of CRIUS MultiWii SE standard edition v1.0 provides digital flight control friend set guidelines, in order to facilitate rapid installation and debugging.

امتیاز شما

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  • محمد مرشدی | بیش از 2 سال قبل
    سلام خسته نباشید من یک فلایت کنترل نیمه حرفه ایی میخواستم مثل همین مدل و ۴تا ملخ10*5..و همچنین ۴تا موتور براشلس از مدلcf2822 .فرستنده و گیرنده وهمچنین کنترل کننده سرعت موتور۴عد...کدوم یک ازاین قطعات رو دارین که برای من ارسال کنید آخه ملخ های این مدل موتور هارو تو ی سایت شما پیدا نکردم.و همچنین باخروجی مناسب برای همچنین موتورهایی با این مشخصات نیاز داشتم..لطفا راهنمایی کنید تشکر...
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    • ادمین | بیش از 2 سال قبل
      سلام، برای مشاهده ملخ ها و فلایت کنترل موجود در فروشگاه می توانید شاخه و لینک های زیر را بررسی نمایید.
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