ماژول سنسور فشار بارومتریک CJMCU-MS5540C
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ماژول سنسور فشار بارومتریک CJMCU-MS5540C


ماژول فشار سنج MS5540C دارای مبدل انالوگ به دیجیتال 16بیتی

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The MS5540C is an SMD hybrid device that includes a high-precision piezoresistive pressure transducer and an ADC IC interface. This is a miniature version of the MS5534C barometer / altimeter module and provides 16-bit pressure and temperature voltage parameters.
MS5540C is a low voltage, low power consumption with automatic power switch. Pants for children by 3, the wire interface accommodates various communications with the microprocessor and has an improved pressure range (measured up to 10 mbar) compared to the MS5534A.
Compared to the MS5534B MS5540B, it was upgraded from the previous 15-bit output 16-bit electronic cigarettes with digital output. Other improvements include ESD sensitivity, current consumption, and heat exchanger accuracy. Software MS5540C Compatible with MS5534A, MS5534B, MS5534C and MS5540B.In addition to this, the MS5540C is compatible with external measurement to the MS54xx series of pressure sensors. Sensor glue protection is sufficient for a waterproof watch with a water depth of 100 meters without any other protection.


Operating Temperature Range: -40 ° C ~ 85 ° C
Absolute Pressure Range: 10-1100 mbar
Temperature Range: -40 ° C ~ 85 ° C
Resolution 0.1 mbar and 0.01 ° C
Accuracy: -2 to 5 mbar ± 2 ° C
Response Time: 35 ms
6 parameter storage chip for software compensation
Piezo-resistant microsensor flint
Integrated miniature pressure sensor 6.2x6.4 mm
16-bit ADC, SPI3 line serial interface 500 kHz
1 system clock (32.768 kHz)
Operating voltage: 2.2 V to 3.6 V
Working Current: <5uA
RoHS: compatibility and without Pb
Operating Temperature: -40 ° C ~ + 85 ° C
Waterproof, maximum water depth 100 meters (ISO2281)
VDD: power connector, 3v recommended
MCLK: Host clock input 32.768 kHz
SCLK: SPI clock input
DIN: serial data input
Output: serial data output

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