ترنسفورمر پالس 10/100 مدل 16PT8515 مارک BOTHHAND
10 x 19-bit SDLC/HDLC frame status FIFO array
a 14-bit SDLC/HDLC frame byte counter
automatic SDLC/HDLC opening flag transmission
automatic SDLC/HDLC Tx Underrun/EOM flag resetting
automatic SDLC/HDLC Tx CRC generator presetting
RTS pin synchronization to closing SDLC/HDLC flag
DTR/REQ deactivation delay significantly reduced
external PCLK to RxC or TxC synchronization requirement eliminated for PCLK divide by- four operation
complete SDLC/HDLC CRC character reception
reduced INT response time
Write data setup time to rise edge of WR requirement eliminated
Write Registers WR3, WR4, WR5, and WR10 made readable
امتیاز شما
اولین نظر را ثبت کنید
10 کالای مشابه